Sunday 3 May 2009

Where has my time gone???

I haven't being blogging for the past few weeks and I just found out last night when I was looking thur the pictures from my camera. I'm just to busy (more like lazy right?) Seriously need to be more organise and discipline.

I have being trying very hard to start my day early, reaching the office after 7am. Clock a bit more time on the project as it's pretty tight schedule + they kept changing the requirement *sigh*. Not really enjoying work at the moment actually. Well, other than suck it up and concentrate on work what else can I do????

My best buddy and godson came for a short visit, 7 days (our 1st guest since the move).
Me and Godson
It was really last minute, she confirmed her trip on Monday and flew in overnight on Friday. I didn't manage to spend a lot of with them as I need to work. So it's just the evening which we chilled out at home after dinner. I think they enjoyed the trip and I hope they did. :)

I definitely learn something from their trip. Really ponder when I and CL will be ready to start a family. We know it's not the time now but when? Hmmm don't think we will ever have an answer for it. At present, we love our freedom too much. (He definitely agree with me on that)

I preparing to have a tight schedule month ahead. For work, it's finishing up the project and commissioning(Cadbury want to start production 1st June). Outside work, I'm attending a wedding, bbq, yum cha, dinner gathering all organised by Club Alfred. Also at the same time start preparing, cleaning, shopping for my in-laws arrival in June.

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