Wednesday 15 July 2009

Beef in Red Wine with Creamy Smash Potato

Beef in Red Wine with Creamy Smash Potato

After I knocked off on Monday, I dropped by to the Fruit & Vegetable shop and Coles to top up the fridge.

When I got home, I had sudden urge to try cooking a casserole dish! I had never tried it before and always wanted to. So I did a search among my cookbooks and found a recipe which I like. Best of all, I had all the ingredients in my fridge and pantry(that's why I love stocking my pantry with lots of food. CL used to comment we are always ready for war)!

The recipe is from Bill Granger. I bought his cookbook title HOLIDAY more than a month ago and never really had the time to read every single recipe in it. Before trying this dish, I only tried his Chocolate Cake recipe (still trying to find the picture I took). It turn out really well!! The cake is moist, it's super easy to make and most important I love how it taste (not too sweet). I'm kinda of hook onto him especially after this dish.

Back to Beef in Red Wine. It's really easy to cook. Chop the meat, onions, garlic, celery. Mix them up and marinate with red wine. Chop up 1 tin of tomatoes and mix into the meat + vegetable after marinate and pop into the oven for 2 hours. Before times up, just fry some bacon with mushroom till bacon crisp and mix into the meat+ vegetable, also mix in some corn starch and continue to cook in the oven for another 20mins. I reckon it taste better after a day. It's such a nice dish for the cold winter.

Review by CL is pretty good. This dish is definitely very different from what I had tried cooking before. Initially I was afraid CL won't like it due to the red wine (he doesn't drink) but in the end I worried for nothing coz he likes it too :)

If my hectic schedule is not going to end soon, bet there's more beef in red wine on my table. Or even more Bill Granger's recipes.

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