Thursday, 24 January 2008


Hubby is going to work his ass off because he got himself a NEW TOY. I will be taking over his OLD TOY very soon. Maybe in less than 2 weeks time?


Pro and Con of having another car

  1. I will be force to drive a lot more! No more excuses not to practise my driving. Which also means I will fulfill my 2008 wishlist.
  2. I can drive to client's place by myself instead of troubling my boss or colleague to fetch me around. GSK project going to kick off soon. It will be my 2nd home especially at the end of the year and having my own transport is going to save me a lot of time travelling.

  3. Get use driving long distance. A lot of interstate project require driving long distance. I want to go for sponsor interstate trip! I'm not confident driving long distance + unfamiliar territory.

  4. Currently we are house hunting for rental. Planning to move further away from the city. Don't think we will be able to afford the houses in the city when we buy our own house. So now is a good time for us to start getting use of staying in suburb. Plus rental is getting more expensive. If we can get a 2 bedroom house in the suburb with the what we are paying now, why not?
  5. Once I get the hang off driving around Melbourne, I can pop into friend's place easily! I don't have to fit into Hubby's schedule. Also I can check places out myself!
  6. More road trips! Hubby has to clock 15,000 kilometers for a year. A lot of driving is needed!!!

  1. NO personal driver! I can't be lazy and ask Hubby to fetch me after work. :(
  2. 1 more commitment! I still don't understand why spend so much on a car? It's a form of transport and we are not living in it. MENS AND THEIR TOYS!!!!
  3. 1 more car to if we do wash them :p
  4. Have to consider "house" for the car when we house hunt. Also when we are away, where can we find a safe place for them.
  5. Definitly he will be working more extra to pay off the car. Know him too well. If he is able to pay off in the minimum time, he will definitly do it.

No idea when the car will be deliver to us at this point. Hubby has being working night shifts for the past few days. He might try to check with the salary packaging company later when has enough of his beauty sleep.

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